Company Formation and Management
Aug 24, 2024

Choosing the Legal Structure: Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Switzerland

When establishing a business in Switzerland, selecting the appropriate legal structure is crucial. One popular choice among entrepreneurs is the limited company (LLC), known for its flexibility and limited liability.

Key Features of a Limited Company

  • Legal Entity: An LLC is a separate legal entity, providing protection for personal assets.
  • Share Capital: Minimum share capital of CHF 20,000.
  • Liability: Shareholders’ liability is limited to their share capital contributions.
  • Shares: Shares are not publicly traded, providing control over ownership.
  • Governance: Governed by a board of directors and a general meeting of shareholders.

Advantages of Forming an LLC

  1. Limited Liability: Protects personal assets from business debts.
  2. Credibility: Often perceived as more professional and credible than sole proprietorships or partnerships.
  3. Investment Opportunities: Easier to attract investors compared to other structures.
  4. Perpetual Existence: Continues to exist even if shareholders change.

Steps to Form a Limited Liability Company in Switzerland

  1. Choose a Company Name: Must be unique and include “LLC” or “Sàrl” or “GmbH” to denote limited liability.
  2. Draft Articles of Association: Defines the company’s purpose, structure, and regulations.
  3. Appoint Directors: At least one director must be a Swiss resident.
  4. Register with the Commercial Register: Provides legal status to the company.
  5. Open a Bank Account: Deposit the initial share capital.
  6. Obtain Business Permits: Depending on the business type, specific permits might be required.
  7. Register for Taxes: Including VAT and social security contributions.
Financial and Tax Considerations
  • Taxation: Subject to corporate taxes at federal, cantonal and communal levels.
  • Accounting: Must adhere to Swiss accounting standards.
  • Auditing: Statutory audit required for large companies; smaller companies may be exempt.
  • Domicile: Must have a registered office in Switzerland.

Table: Summary of Requirements for an Ltd Company

Minimum Share CapitalCHF 20,000
Board of DirectorsAt least one Swiss resident
Commercial RegisterMandatory registration
Business PermitsVaries by business type
Tax RegistrationIncludes VAT and social security
AuditingRequired for large companies
DomicileMust have a registered office in Switzerland

Forming a limited liability company in Switzerland offers numerous benefits, particularly in terms of liability protection and credibility. Our firm specializes in financial analysis, company formation and tax consultations. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you in establishing your Swiss Limited Liability Company.


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