Our service involves tailoring pension fund solutions to your unique needs, including for non-residents sa well.
We thoroughly assess each case and situation, selecting the most suitable insurance company or bank for you.
We then arrange personal meetings with the chosen institution to ensure your needs are met effectively.
Below is the general description of Switzerland's pension system generally which operates on the three-pillar model:
The third pillar consists of voluntary private pension plans. Individuals can contribute to personal retirement savings accounts (pillar 3a) or non-restricted retirement savings accounts (pillar 3b). Contributions to pillar 3a plans offer tax advantages, while pillar 3b accounts provide flexibility in investment options and also tax advantages exceptionally in Geneva canton. The third pillar allows individuals to supplement their retirement income and tailor their savings strategies according to their financial goals and risk tolerance. It is suitable for individual entrepreneurs and also for employees wishing to improve their pension plan.
First Pillar (State Pension)
This pillar is based on a pay-as-you-go system funded by mandatory contributions from both employees and employers. It provides a basic level of income security for retirees, survivors, and disabled individuals. The first pillar is administered by the Swiss social security system (AHV/AVS).
Second Pillar (Occupational Pension)
The second pillar comprises mandatory occupational pension schemes, which are funded jointly by employers and employees. These schemes provide supplementary retirement benefits, typically based on the individual's salary during their working years. The second pillar aims to maintain the individual's standard of living after retirement. It is regulated by the Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plans (BVG/LPP).
Third Pillar (Individual Pension)
The third pillar consists of voluntary private pension plans. Individuals can contribute to personal retirement savings accounts (pillar 3a) or non-restricted retirement savings accounts (pillar 3b). Contributions to pillar 3a plans offer tax advantages, while pillar 3b accounts provide flexibility in investment options and also tax advantages exceptionally in Geneva canton. The third pillar allows individuals to supplement their retirement income and tailor their savings strategies according to their financial goals and risk tolerance. It is suitable for individual entrepreneurs and also for employees wishing to improve their pension plan.